If you are interested in becoming a member of Quoile Yacht Club, please fill in the form below and submit.
Membership Categories and Descriptions
Family – Adults residing together permanently as a couple + children under 18
Single Adult – Adults over 30
Single Parent Family – Adults over 30 (single, divorced, separated, or widowed) + children under 18
Junior Family – Over 18 with the elder being under 30 on 01/04/22 + children under 18
Junior 1 – Over 18 and under 25 on 01/04/23
Junior 2 – Over 25 and under 30 on 01/04/23
Cadet – Under 18 on 01/04/23 – No vote
House – Adult – May not use or bring waterborne craft to the club – No visitors – No vote
Introductory – Valid for one year – Sailing dinghies only onsite – No vote
Applies to all Adult Applicants To comply with current legislation, particularly The Children (Northern Ireland) Order 1995 regarding Child Protection please complete.
Applies to all Adult Applicants To comply with current legislation, particularly The Children (Northern Ireland) Order 1995 regarding Child Protection please complete.
By submitting this application you are making the following Insurance Declaration:
“I confirm that as a boat/caravan owner and member of QYC, I have and will maintain valid insurance in
force for all of this year to cover my legal liabilities arising directly or indirectly by, or through, in connection with the ownership, possession or use by, or on behalf of myself, my family, my visitors or my crew, of any water craft, caravan, boat trolley or cradle in accordance with QYC Constitution”
If my application is successful I would be prepared to participate in club activities, including serving on committees, doing bar duty, helping at work parties etc.
The information you provide in this form will be used solely for dealing with you as a member of Quoile Yacht Club. The Club’s Data Privacy Policy can be found on the club website. Your data will be stored and used in accordance with this Policy.
The Club may wish to publish a directory with member’s contact details which will be available to committee members for their sole use, in either electronic or paper versions.
The Club may arrange for photographs or videos to be taken during Club activities and published on our website or social media channels to promote the Club.

If you consent to your data being shared in this way, please agree
If you would like to receive direct communications from us regarding Club business, sailing events, courses and entertainment you must give your consent.
To indicate you wish to receive club information via email, please agree

We reserve the right to contact you by post or telephone if necessary. You may withdraw your consent or change your preferences at any time by contacting us by post or email.

Please be aware that if you later decide to withdraw your consent it will not be possible to remove your contact details from printed material until such time as the next edition is compiled, which will be on an annual basis.
I declare to the best of my knowledge and belief that the information provided is correct and no information has been omitted or misrepresented. Any information given that is later found to be false will result in disciplinary action, which may include expulsion.
Proposers and seconders must be full members of the club, not currently serving on the committee or as a trustee.